Trinity Atomic Web Site
Nuclear Weapons: History, Technology, and Consequences in Historic Documents, Photos, and Videos
Hiroshima Videos

Views from Ground Zero
This video clip shows views in various directions away from ground zero at Hiroshima.
(160 x 120 QuickTime, 2.4 MBytes)

Japanese Military Headquarters
The Japanese Military Headquarters were 0.3 mi from ground zero at Hiroshima. It was a closely guarded secret for many, many years that a number of American POW's were held here when the bomb was dropped.
(160 x 120 QuickTime, 1.0 MBytes)

Shadows on a Bridge
At 0.6 mi from ground zero, the intense heat etched any surface facing the fireball.
(160 x 120 QuickTime, 2.3 MBytes)
Note: These videos are taken from the film The Atom Strikes, by the U.S. Army Signal Corps. This film is of historic interest and does not necessarily represent the policy or plans of the creating agency.